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The Alpha's Human

  The Alpha’s Human

  Book #1

  By D.J. Heart

  2015 Copyright © by D.J. Heart

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  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Part Four

  Part Five

  Part One

  Kyle was at the gym. Music blared through the overhead speakers, driving Kyle to run faster, sneakers hitting the treadmill to the pounding rhythm of the song. He was in the zone, eyes forward, feeling like he could keep going forever.

  A loud grunt followed by the clang of metal had him glancing towards the mirror. It was a manly sound, unlike anything that ever had or would escape Kyle’s lips. The mirror gave a pretty good view of the entire gym, except for the rowing machines over by the wall.

  Cade Forrest. Kyle recognized him instantly, eyes shooting down to the treadmill display as he cursed his curiosity. He was at the gym to run, not to lust over impossibly muscular hunks - especially if the hunk in question was his high school crush and an alpha male douchebag of the highest order.

  In an effort to distract himself, Kyle pushed the incline of the machine higher and forced himself to keep going. It was useless. Though his lungs started to burn and his side was hurting, the urge to turn his head for just a quick look didn’t go away in the slightest..

  Kyle gave in to temptation and dared another look. He turned his face up, finding Cade in the mirror and drinking in the sight of him like a man dying of thirst in the desert. The muscular beast was straddling the weight lifting bench, meaty thighs spread wide, cock making an absolutely obscene bulge in his tight Under Armor shorts. It was obscene. Didn’t Cade know that he was in public? The very least he could was put on some baggy shorts to hide the monster living in his pants.

  Kyle realized he was staring. He looked away, face burning with shame, yet still wanting nothing more than to jump off the treadmill and crawl into the space between Cade’s thighs and bury his face in the mouth watering mound of his bulge.

  Running fast, ignoring the way his cock was chubbing up, Kyle forced himself to look straight ahead. Cade might be hot, but he was also big enough to crush Kyle like a fucking bug. Kyle did not want the magnificent hunk to catch him ogling him. He’d had his fair share of beatings from nasty tempered jocks in high school, and he had no intention of reliving those experiences now that he’d escaped that testosterone fueled hell pit.

  Though to be fair, Cade had never been one of the meatheads who had seemed so intent on making his life miserable. As far as Kyle could remember, Cade had never once teased or bullied him. Just been part of the group that had.

  Breathing hard, gasping for breath, Kyle looked to the left, eyes moving of their own volition, before he had a chance to stop himself. He was both disappointed and relieved to see that Cade had moved out of view. Temptations like that couldn’t be good for him.

  “Kyle, right?”

  Kyle jumped at the deep baritone coming from his left, tripping and catching himself on the rails of the treadmill and planting his feet on either side of the belt. Adrenaline making his heart jump out of his chest, he whipped his head around and almost had a heart attack at the sight of Cade standing by his machine. The man was even bigger up close.

  “Sorry about that. Guess I shouldn’t interrupt people while they’re running, huh?” Cade grinned, not looking sorry in the least. He leaned on the machine, muscles bulging under his tight compression shirt. He held out his hand, “It is Kyle, right? We went to school together. I’m Cade.”

  In a daze, Kyle took the hand and shook it, marveling at how small his fingers looked in Cade’s meaty grip. Cade’s handshake was firm, his grip surprisingly dry, and he held on just a second too long. He didn’t seem to mind that Kyle’s hand was sweaty.

  That Cade remembered him from school, much less knew his name, just blew Kyle’s mind. Cade had been hot in high school, way out of Kyle’s league, and he’d only grown hotter. Taller, wider and more confident. It was profoundly unfair.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Cade asked, grin wide and cocky. Kyle blushed, ducking his head and feeling like an idiot. He needed to say something. Anything.

  “Kyle, yes,” he said, voice cracking. He was still breathing hard, Cade’s attention doing nothing to calm his already over exerted heart.

  “Good. I’ve noticed you watching me, Kyle. You like what you see?” Cade stood back and flexed his biceps playfully. Kyle’s mouth went dry and blood rushed to his cock. The pouch of his jock was suddenly very cramped. He didn’t reply, staring at Cade with a dumbstruck expression as the muscular hunk flexed his biceps, then brought his arms down to show off his powerful pecs.

  “Kyle? I asked you a question, dude. This do it for you?” Cade stepped forward, right up to the side of the machine. Even standing on the belt, the jock had several inches on him.

  “Sorry,” Kyle said, wondering why Cade was talking to him. Usually when straight guys caught him staring they either ignored him or beat the crap out of him. This was new territory.

  “Why the fuck are you sorry, dude? I don’t mind you looking. I like it.”

  Kyle just stared at him, mouth gaping. Cade was smiling, teeth white and straight, face and body looking like something that had escaped an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue. The look in his eyes was pure heat.

  “Can I help you with something?” he asked, not quite sure how to talk to the muscular stud. People like Kyle didn’t talk to people like Cade. Even if he were gay, Cade was so far out of his league it wasn’t even funny.

  Cade gave him a queer look, still smiling. He stepped back, throwing a towel around his neck and holding on to the two ends, biceps bulging.

  “I need a spotter. Figured you could help,” he turned to leave, Kyle staring after him and feeling confused. Cade stopped, looking over his shoulder when Kyle didn’t follow. “You coming?” He sounded curious, like he was surprised by the lack of instant and unflinching obedience.

  Kyle stepped off the treadmill with shaky legs and followed.

  It was bizarre. Kyle stood behind Cade and the weight lifting bench, awkwardly holding onto the bar with sweaty fingers, knowing there was nothing he could do if Cade lost control of the weights. Cade ignored him, doing his sets, grunting and counting out his reps while his arms and chest made their best effort to burst out of his tight shirt. Kyle felt useless, and when he looked up he noticed that he was getting more than a few bemused looks. He blushed, looking down at Cade.

  It wasn’t better. Cade was sweating up a storm, a look of fierce concentration on his face as he forced the bar up and down over his chest. He looked hot as fuck, and Kyle wondered what Cade wanted with him.

  “Thanks, dude. Your turn,” Cade grunted, lifting off the bench and coming to stand next to Kyle. Once again he stood too close, but this time he grabbed Kyle by the shoulders and pushed him down on the bench, manhandling his leg over to the other side and pushing his chest down. Kyle was confused, the rough handling turning him on as much as it bewildered him. Cade stepped into place behind the machine, unloading the weights attached to the bar.

  “We’ll start you off with just the bar, then add some weight if that’s too easy. OK? Grab the bar, I’ll spot you.”

  Kyle tentatively reached up and grabbed the bar, Cade lifting it off the supports and letting him take the weight. It was heavier than he expected, but not so heavy that he couldn’t bring it down to his chest and push it back up.

  “That’s good, dude. Nine more,” Cade said, voice patient and encouraging. He spread his legs wider and stepped forward. Kyle nearly choked, the muscular stud’s ample package now positioned just inches above his face. He could fucking smell it, musky and intense, the huge cock and balls pushing against the constraints of Cade’s compression shorts. Kyle’s cock was rock hard, and he thanked God that he’d worn a tight jock under his shorts.

  When Kyle didn’t make a move to lower the bar again, too caught up in the magnificence of Cade’s bulge, Cade took matters into his own hands. He tightened his hold on the bar and started pushing it down, bending at the knees and sinking down with it. Kyle gulped, watching as Cade’s crotch came closer and closer to his face, almost bolting off the bench when the damp material of Cade’s bulge collided with his chin. He could feel Cade’s balls through the material of his shorts, big and round, clearly visible through the tight material.

  Cade went down even further, the only thing separating his sweaty taint from Kyle’s nose a thin layer of damp spandex. Cade lifted up almost right away, taking the bar with him.

  “Sorry about that, dude. I don’t spot that often,” he laughed, spreading his legs wider. Impossibly, with his legs spread, the bulge was even closer, and this time when he lowered himself and the bar - not even pretending to have Kyle lift it - his balls connected that much sooner. Cade lowered himself further, practically sitting on Kyle’s face, grinding his ass down and smothering him. He stayed down for a couple of seconds, resting his sweaty, muscular ass on Kyle’s mouth and nose, unconcerned by the fact that more than a few people were looking at them. Kyle breathed him in, not quite daring to stick out his tongue and lick away at Cade’s sweaty ass the way he really wanted.

  “I’m not sure that lifting is your thing, dude,” Cade said, stepping away and putting the bar back on the supports. He held out a big hand, Kyle taking it without thinking, and pulled Kyle up off
the bench. “You want to come over to my place? I’ve got some moves I’d think you’d like. You walk here, right?”

  Kyle just nodded, not sure what he was agreeing to or how Cade knew that he walked to the gym. Cade clapped him on the back, hand cupping his neck as he steered him towards the changing room.

  “I’ll wait while you shower,” Cade said, pulling a pair of jeans up over his compression shorts and exchanging his sneakers for a pair of scuffed biker boots. Kyle obeyed the implied command and took a quick shower, standing in the corner and hiding his erection while he quickly soaped up and rinsed off. He dried off quickly, changing into the slacks and shirt he’d worn home from work. Cade stood by and watched, making him feel self conscious, pulling on a leather jacket and gloves before swinging his bag over his shoulder.

  “Come on, we’ll take my bike. I’ve got an extra helmet you can borrow.”

  Kyle just nodded, the idea of saying no or asking questions not even entering his mind. Cade grinned, grabbing his bulge with his gloved fist, looking pleased with Kyle’s reaction. They stepped out of the gym.


  Kyle felt dazed. Cade grabbed his wrists and pulled him forward so that his chest was pressed flush against the muscular man’s wide back. Cade kicked the bike into gear, taking off down the street with a roar. Kyle hugged the muscular stud’s waist tight in surprise, blushing when he realized what he was doing, but still too nervous to let go even a little. The helmet on his head felt weird, but racing down the road he was glad to be wearing it.

  When Cade finally pulled to a stop Kyle slipped off the bike on unsteady legs. Cade pulled off his helmet, then helped Kyle with his. He looked amused, like Kyle was being cute.

  “That your first time on a bike, boy?” Cade asked, clapping a big gloved hand down on Kyle’s neck and pulling him into his side. He was warm, reeking of man, sweat and leather, and his arm over Kyle’s shoulders was heavy and controlling. Kyle flushed, nodding his head as Cade led him into the house.

  The house was a mess. Clothes were strewn everywhere; empty bottles of beer and pop cluttering up the coffee table and windowsill. Kyle was a little disgusted, the space like something out of a frat house, but he didn’t say anything.

  “I know. I’m a pig,” Cade laughed, pulling off his gloves and unzipping his leather jacket. “Let’s sit on the couch.”

  Kyle followed him across the room, feeling shaky and excited, nearly tripping on a pair of boxing gloves. He caught himself before he fell, righting himself awkwardly on the back of the couch as Cade chuckled.

  When he went to sit next to Cade on the couch, feeling excited and breathing heavily, Cade stopped him with a big hand splayed wide over his chest.

  “Why don’t you sit here,” Cade said, fisting his hand in Kyle’s shirt and pulling him to his knees between his legs. Kyle could hardly believe it, the submissive position making him feel small and vulnerable in the best way. Cade reached out and ruffled Kyle’s hair, like he was a kid or a puppy, then leaned back with a smirk. He looked down at his bulge, then at Kyle, raising his eyebrow teasingly. “Well, Kyle. Show me what you can do.”

  Cade put his arms behind his head and sank down to the edge of his seat, his bulge huge and right there. Frozen, Kyle’s heart raced as his palms started sweating. What did Cade expect from him?

  “What are you waiting for, Kyle? My cock isn’t going to suck itself.” Cade laughed at his own joke, bringing his hand down from behind his neck and pulling Kyle’s head down to his crotch. Kyle went willingly, Cade’s big hand pushing him into the bulge in his jeans, dragging his nose along the outline of his cock. He couldn’t believe he was really there, about to have sex with Cade Forrest. It had to be a dream, except Cade’s hand in his hair was too painful for that to be the case.

  He loved it.

  “You like that, Kyle? Like sniffing my big bulge? Get in there!” Cade pushed him down, grinding his face into his jean clad cock and balls. Kyle placed his hands on Cade’s muscular thighs, holding on as he sniffed and burrowed into the bodybuilder’s mound.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Show me what a slut you are for cock, Kyle. Show me how bad you want my dick in your little ass!”

  Cade kept at it for a few minutes, pushing his face down and grinding it into his lap before he pushed him away with another cocky laugh. “That’s good, but I want your throat.” He undid the zipper on his jeans, pushing down his compression shorts and pulling out his cock. It was rank, the smell of sweat and musk even more overpowering than it had been through the denim of his jeans.

  “Lick my balls a little,” Cade ordered, grabbing him by the hair and pushing him down towards the base of his cock. Kyle opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue to lap at the sweaty orbs. The taste was almost as good as the smell, salty and hot, and Kyle moaned as he took one large testicle into his mouth.

  “Fuck yeah, suck my nut,” Cade growled, tightening the fist in his hair and giving his head an aggressive little shake. Kyle sucked the egg sized orb, working it with his tongue before spitting it out to give the other the same treatment. Cade groaned and moaned his appreciation, pushing Kyle down towards his taint. Kyle had barely gotten a few licks in, the strip of musky flesh hard to reach with Cade’s legs still encased in tight jeans, before Cade pushed him away and rose to his feet. For a moment Kyle was terrified. Cade loomed over him like a demon, huge and scary, but the fear passed when he saw that Cade was grinning like a loon.

  “Want that throat, babe,” Cade said, grabbing him under the arms and lifting him into the air as though he weighed nothing, dropping him on the couch with his head hanging off the edge. It took Kyle a confused second to realize that he was at the perfect angle for sucking cock.

  “Gonna fuck your skull,” Cade growled.

  Or that.

  Cade grabbed his cock, pumping the ten inch shaft in his meaty fist, before aiming the glistening head at Kyle’s mouth. He traced Kyle’s lips with the slit on the tip of his cock, leaving a wet trail of pre-cum in his wake. Kyle parted his lips wide, eager to have the impressive member in his mouth, not sure he’d be able to take even half.

  “I want to fuck your throat, Kyle. That’s not your thing, this is where you back out.” Cade’s voice was playful, but the hands grabbing his wrists and holding them down in one strong grip over his stomach were anything but.

  “I want it,” Kyle said, Cade’s cock filling his vision, framed by his meaty thighs and muscular abs. It was a fucking beautiful sight and Cody wouldn’t walk away for anything.

  “Yeah, dude. That’s what I like to hear. I knew you’d be perfect... a good little slut for my cock.”

  Cade reached down with his free hand, grabbing Kyle by the jaw and holding him in place as he pushed his big cock into Kyle’s mouth. The head alone was huge, already making him feel like he was about to choke.

  Then Cade started pushing deeper and Kyle did choke. He gagged, pulling at his wrists and getting nowhere. Cade ignored his troubles, pinning him down and pushing deeper and deeper into his throat.

  “I fucking own this, babe. I own it!” Cade growled, short little jabs stabbing his cock into Kyle’s tight throat, pushing inside and forcing Kyle to take it. Kyle couldn’t breathe, and when he felt Cade’s huge nuts come to rest over his eyes he could hardly believe it. Cade had fit his entire ten inch shaft down his throat.