The Alpha's Human Page 2
“Look at that, bitch. I can fucking see my meat in your throat. You’re throat is bulging with my cock!” Cade grabbed his throat, squeezing down on his Adam’s apple. It was uncomfortable, but Cade clearly enjoyed the feeling because he started massaging Kyle’s throat, working his cock from the outside.
“You ready to be fucked in the throat, boy?” Cade asked, grabbing Kyle’s wrists in each of his hands and pinning them to his side. He leaned over Kyle’s body, still impaling him on his cock. Not able to answer or even nod his head, Kyle knew that the question was rhetorical. Cade pulled out of his throat just enough for Kyle to draw a tremulous breath before slamming back in, hips crashing into his face, balls slapping his eyes almost painfully.
“Fuck yeah!” Cade growled, pulling out and slamming back in. Clenching Kyle’s wrists tight, he set up a punishing rhythm, hips jackhammering his shaft in and out of Kyle’s throat.
“I’m going to come!” Cade’s voice was breathless and loud, Kyle barely registering the words, his world narrowed down to the cock treating his mouth like a used up old toy.
Cade pushed in all the way, head resting on Kyle’s thighs as his whole body shuddered. His load bypassed Kyle’s mouth entirely, going straight into his gut. Not able to breathe, Kyle waited until Cade had finished shooting, almost blacking out before the big stud pulled out.
Finished coming, Cade wiped off his cock on an old t-shirt before dropping it back on the floor. He once again grabbed Kyle under the arms, but this time he positioned him on the couch.
“You want a beer?” he asked, heading over to the kitchen, cock still hanging out of his pants. “You were awesome, by the way.”
“Uh, yeah. A beer would be nice.” Kyle’s voice was hoarse, as though he’d just been throat fucked by a ten inch cock. Which he had.
“Here you go.” Cade tossed him a can, laughing when he fumbled to catch it. The muscular stud, still wearing his leather jacket, sat down next to him and draped a heavy arm over his shoulder, pulling him in close. “Let me give you a hand with that,” he said, pointing down at the bulge in Kyle’s pants. Without waiting for a reply, Cade reached down and palmed Kyle’s crotch, fingers finding the outline of his cock and curling around it.
“I’m not as… big as you,” Kyle warned him, feeling embarrassed about his own average six inches.
“I know that, babe. I’ve seen you in the shower at the gym. I like what you’ve got.” With that he pulled down the zipper on Kyle’s slacks, pulling his cock out of his briefs. The feel of Cade’s rough, callused palm wrapping around his erection was electric and intense. Cade started jerking him off, his dry grip. It was rough and almost painfully abrasive. His cock looked so much smaller in Cade’s fist than it did in his own, the tight warmth of the huge hand more than making up for how dry it was. Within seconds he was coming like a teenager. Cade laughed into his ear, breath hot, lips almost brushing his skin.
“We need to work on your stamina, babe,” the big hunk said, wiping his come soaked palm off on Kyle’s cheek, pushing his fat fingers into his mouth to be licked clean. It was so filthy, Cade’s casual dominance as natural as breathing. Kyle found it insanely hot.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, humiliated that he hadn’t lasted longer.
“Hey, it’s not a problem for me. I just think you’d enjoy it more if you could last more than ten seconds. Don’t worry about it though, I’m sure you’ll do better next time.”
With that Cade took a long sip of his beer, throat moving as he swallowed. Kyle wanted to lick his way up the big stud’s wide jaw, but he was too scared to do it. Cade smirked at him, as though he knew exactly what he was thinking.
“I didn’t think you knew who I was,” Kyle blurted out after a few minutes of sipping their beers in silence. Cade’s arm was still draped over his shoulder, neither one of them having tucked their cocks back into their pants. Cade turned to look down at him, a smirk pulling at his lip.
“I’ve known who you were ever since I caught you sniffing my jock in the locker room when we were in tenth grade. Man, I wish I hadn’t been such a closet case back then. It made me so fucking hard, seeing you standing there huffing my jock like you were trying to get high…” Cade laughed, curling his arm so that Kyle was pulled closer to his body, then down to his chest.
Kyle was mortified. He couldn’t even remember why he’d been in the locker room, just how relieved he’d been that he hadn’t been caught during his moment of stupid weakness.
“I’m sorry-” he started to apologize, voice muffled by Cade’s chest, but Cade interrupted him.
“I was so fucking hard, Kyle. I had to cut out of practice early and jerk off in my car.”
Kyle couldn’t believe it.
“You ever been fucked, Kyle?” Cade asked, still holding his neck tight, squishing Kyle’s face into his meaty pecs. The muscular stud flexed, the hold becoming almost painful.
“N-no,” Kyle stuttered, feeling light headed. He’d fingered himself in the shower while he jerked off, but he could never seem to get the angle right. He’d considered buying a dildo, but then never gotten around to it.
“Good. I’ll be your first. I’ll make it real good for you, Kyle.” Cade kissed the top of his head, letting him go. “I’ll drive you home. You free this Friday night?”
Kyle was confused. He’d been sure that Cade was about to fuck him, and as scared as that made him, he’d been more than ready to let the big man have at him.
“I’m.. uh, yeah? I think so?”
“Good. Put your dick back in your pants and let's go. I’ve got somewhere I need to be tonight.”
Cade lifted his arm off Kyle’s shoulders, standing up. He pulled his compression shorts up over his cock, buttoning his jeans and jacket before pulling on his gloves.
The ride to Kyle’s apartment was over just as fast as the ride to Cade’s, Kyle clinging on for dear life as Cade drove like a crazy person. Cade’s leather jacket was buttery soft, the muscular body underneath warm and hard as Kyle pressed up against his wide back.
Cade walked him to his door, bike parked on the curb. He placed a big hand on Kyle’s chest, pushing him against the wall next to his door, stepping in close and leaning his elbows on the wall on either side of Kyle’s face. Boxed in, Cade smelling of sweat, leather and that musky scent that was uniquely him, Kyle felt overwhelmed and trapped in the best possible way.
“This Friday, OK? I’ll pick you up at seven.” It took Kyle a few seconds to realize what he was saying.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he croaked. Cade leaned down to kiss him. Soft lips pressed gently against his, Cade exploring his lips and teeth with his tongue before he suddenly deepened the kiss, thrusting in almost violently. It felt like he was being devoured, and when Cade pulled back Kyle gasped for breath.
“Be good, Kyle,” Cade growled, stepping back and strutting away, his stride cocky and obnoxious. Kyle remembered seeing him walk like that back in high school. It was as sexy now as it was then. He unlocked his door, and it wasn’t until he’d hung up his jacket and put away his keys that he realized he’d never told Cade where he lived. Cade hadn’t just known which street he lived on, he’d known which floor. Feeling a little unsettled, Kyle decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. He had a date with Cade Forrest. He was happy.
Kyle stared out the window, not able to focus on the figures on his screen. His job as an accountant had never been difficult, numbers easy to understand and manipulate, but today they didn’t want to cooperate.
“You OK?” Marsha, the young woman who shared his desk, asked him. He must look pretty bad if even Marsh noticed. She was a partier, and Kyle had no idea how she managed to do her job with the amount of time she spent each morning nursing a hangover. But she somehow scraped by, and though her performance reviews weren’t stellar, they weren’t all that bad.
“Yeah, it’s just my stomach. It’s been acting funny.” Kyle shot her an unconvincing smile, the cramps in his lower stomach not letting up. It had him crouching over, and though it wasn’t exactly painful, it was extremely uncomfortable.
He distracted himself by thinking of Cade. Smiling to himself and wondering what Cade had planned for their date. He knew he shouldn't expect much - Cade wasn’t what you would call sophisticated - but even beer and football sitting next to each other on Cade’s couch sounded like a great time.
Marsha smiled sympathetically. “Well, if you feel sick you should go home. I’m sure Mr. Pratt wouldn’t mind.”
Kyle was actually sure of the opposite. Mr. Pratt might be nice to Marsha - eyes glued to her pretty cleavage with his tongue hanging out of his mouth every time he talked to her - but for some reason he had no patience for Kyle. The one time he’d made a mistake on an account he’d been chewed out and nearly fired, subject to a rant he still had nightmares about. He had no idea what he’d done to offend his boss, but he wasn’t going to go home sick unless he was literally keeling over.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll just get some fresh air. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Kyle walked outside, feeling a little self conscious. He never took breaks like this. As he stepped out of the building the uneasy cramping in his stomach seemed to abate and he drew a relieved breath. Without thinking about where he was going, he walked towards the park just a few blocks away from his office.
“Kyle, I thought that was you.”
Kyle gave a start, turning to see Cade walking up behind him. The big man was dressed in tight jeans and a snug leather jacket, flashing his teeth in a wide grin as he looked Kyle up and down.
“Cade…” Kyle said, lips curling up in a smile, pleased and surprised. “What are you doing here?”
Cade walked right up to him, throwing his arm around Kyle’s sh
oulder. He was tall enough that he could rest his arm comfortably, hand curling down to pat Kyle’s chest. He was wearing his gloves, as if he’d just stepped off his bike.
“I just met with my financial advisor. Boring stuff. I’m so glad I ran into you,” he said, rubbing his big hand over Kyle’s chest.
Cade’s body was huge and solid, the tight fit of his clothes showing off the bulging muscles underneath. Kyle knew they must look terribly mismatched, him in his frumpy suit and Cade looking like a fitness model turned biker.
“You have a financial advisor?” Kyle asked, trying not to let Cade’s closeness translate into an erection. It was a losing battle.
“Yeah, Staal and Levin. They’ve been handling the family money since before I was born.”
Cade sounded nonchalant, but Kyle was a little surprised. Staal and Levin were for people with money. Serious money. Looking at the way Cade lived he wouldn’t have imagined that the jock was in any way rich.
“Oh,” Kyle didn’t know what else to say. Cade’s body next to his felt really nice, though he had no idea where they were going. Cade had led him past the entrance to the park, steering him without asking for his input.
“So are you off from work? You’re an accountant, right?” Cade asked him, clapping his chest lightly as he asked the question. Kyle wondered how Cade knew he was an accountant.
Probably the same way he knew where he lived. Kyle tried not to dwell on it.
“I’m just taking a quick break. I wasn’t feeling so good, stomach was acting up,” Kyle said, then confirmed, “And yeah, I’m an accountant. How did you know?”
“You remember Shawn from high school? He lives in your building. He said you were living there and that you were working as an accountant for some fancy auditing firm downtown. Why, did you think I was stalking you?” Cade laughed, giving his neck a playfully aggressive squeeze. Kyle laughed, shaking his head no.
He leaned into Cade’s body, pushing his face into the leather under Cade’s powerful arm.
He was relieved to have an explanation for how Cade knew where he lived and what he did for a living, but he was surprised that Shawn had talked about him with Cade. He couldn’t imagine the meathead had had anything nice to say about him. While Cade had never bullied him or given him a hard time, Shawn had shoved his head in the toilet on more than one occasion. When he found out he was living in the same building as his ex-tormentor, Kyle hadn’t been happy. And he’d been less than pleased when Shawn cornered him in the laundry room, asked what he did for a living, and laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.
That Cade was still friends with Shawn was an unwelcome reminder of just how different he and Kyle really were. How little they fit.
“Shawn and I aren’t exactly friends, I’m surprised he mentioned me to you.”
Cade looked a little chagrined, peering down at him with a smile. “He knows I had a thing for you in high school. He used to get a real kick out of it, thought I was a total pussy for not going for it.”
Kyle didn't know what to say to that, so he said nothing.
“He was right, though,” Cade said, looking wistful. “I should have just manned up and asked you out. Not given a shit what people thought.”
Kyle wondered what he would have done had Cade actually asked him out when he was in school.
He’d have been convinced it was a prank and said no. He said as much to Cade.
“I wouldn’t have done that, Kyle,” Cade answered, frowning down at him. “I’m not an asshole.”
Kyle felt guilty. He hadn’t meant the comment as a statement on Cade’s character. It was true that Cade had never been cruel to him.
“I didn’t think you were. But I mean, your friends weren’t exactly my biggest fans. I guess I would have thought it more likely that they put you up to it than that you actually had a thing for me.”
Cade stopped, letting go of Kyle and spinning him around so that they were face to face, He was still close enough that they were nearly touching, and Kyle had to look up to see his face. The view of Cade’s powerful shoulders and wide jaw was beautiful.
“What do you mean my friends weren’t your biggest fans?” What did they do?” Kyle was a little taken aback. High school had been humiliating enough, he didn’t want to talk about his experiences with Cade.
“You know…” he hedged, trying to turn away and keep walking. He didn’t want to discuss his history of high school humiliations. Not with Cade.
But Cade didn’t let it go. He grabbed Kyle by the back of the neck, holding him in place and forcing him to look up. The people passing them were giving them strange looks, but nobody stopped.
“No, I don’t know. What did they do?” Cade’s voice was deep and demanding, and his body tense. There was an aggression in his stance that Kyle found both intimidating and hot.
“You know, typical jock pranks… pushing me around, locking me in my locker, swirlies… I don’t know. That kind of thing.”
Cade’s face was thunderous, making Kyle shrink back. Cade’s hand curled in the hair on the nape of his neck, holding him in place.
“Which friends?” he demanded angrily. Kyle swallowed, eyes looking down at Cade’s chest. HIs leather jacket was zipped up to the neck, stretched tight across his wide chest.
“Does it matter? It was ages ago…” Kyle didn’t want to name names. Didn’t want to make trouble for anyone, or mess with Cade’s friendships.
Snarling, teeth bared, Cade leaned down and brought his face in close.
“Kyle, tell me,” he warned, voice low and dangerous. Kyle trembled, caught, the world narrowing down to Cade’s intense stare.
“Shawn, Jacob, Mark… I don’t know. They were just messing around.”
Cade didn’t let go, fingers gripping his nape tight as he glared Kyle into submission.
“Anyone else?” he growled, looking furious. Kyle shook his head. At least Shawn, Jacob and Mark were the only ones who had gotten physical with him. Everyone else had just been snide looks and mocking comments.
Cade stepped back, looking around as if he just realized what a scene was making in the middle of the sidewalk. Kyle followed his gaze, flushing in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry,” Cade said, stepping back with an awkward shuffle. His body language went from tense and aggressive to repentant. “I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that.”
Kyle felt light headed and short of breath, but mostly he was pleased that Cade was so distressed on his behalf. It was sweet.
“Let’s go, we’re almost there,” Cade said, grinning and grabbing him by the hand. Like nothing had happened. Kyle let himself be led, more than willing to leave the past in the past, Cade’s gloved fingers curling around his and making them look tiny. The muscular hunk led him into an office building, the lobby empty except for a guard sitting behind a desk. There was a gate blocking access to the elevators and the main floor of the lobby, and much to Kyle’s surprise Cade had an access card to let him through. The guard even gave him a respectful nod. Wondering what Cade had to do with an office building this nice, Kyle followed him into an elevator that took them up to the thirtieth floor.